Berger Bullets is proud to announce another new section of our website; National Records.
A year back we searched to find the best records databases for competitive F-Class, Benchrest, and Long Range shooters, which we found to be the NRA database, the NBRSA 600 and 1000 databases, and the Williamsport Records database. Since then, we have been working hard to contact as many national record holders as possible and ask them “which bullet were you shooting when you broke your record?” We were very pleased with the results that we found, which is that so far more record holders in these selected categories have set their records with Berger Bullets than any other type of bullet.
If you navigate over to our National Records page,, you will see several pie charts of information taken from the statistics that we have gotten so far.

Piechart Example
The pie charts have a percentage of records beat with each type of well known bullet, color coded to that brand. As you can see above, the Williamsport shooters seem to set more records with Berger than any other bullet! To see the records themselves, click on the pie chart and it will take you to a graph of each shooter in the records database and what they told us they shot when we contacted them.

Data Example
We color coated the information so that bullets used can be easily identified. Those labeled as “Other” are shooters that are using custom bullets or some type of bullet not normally found in our dealers.
Yes, you will notice a lot of grayed out space. These are shooters we have been unable to contact yet. This project has been in the works for a year now, and we have been unable to find a way to contact these shooters. You can help us by giving us contact information for these shooters, having the shooters contact us, or if you are one of these record holders you can contact us directly at Even if you beat a record and did not shoot a Berger Bullet we want to hear from you!
Below you will find the links to the official records pages that we had originally obtained this information from. We will continue to monitor this record pages from time to time so that we can update our records pages as able.
NRA Record Database:
Williamsport Record Database:
NBRSA Record Database: