Left to Right: Bryan Litz, Mitch Fitzpatrick and Paul Phillips at the 2480 yard target.
The Applied Ballistics Team competed in the King of 2 Miles match in June at the Whittington Center in Raton, NM and dominated the competition with Berger Bullets! Applied Ballistics Intern, Mitch Fitzpatrick, placed first in the competition while using the Berger prototype 375 cal 400 gr class bullet.

Bryan, Mitch and Paul on the firing line.
“The Berger Prototype .375 bullet that I have had the honor of working along side Bryan Litz to develop performed phenomenally at the 2016 King of 2 Miles match,” says Mitch. “The ballistic performance of this bullet is unmatched and it offered great precision in my rifle, consistently grouping sub-half MOA.”
Our Chief Ballistician, Bryan Litz, placed second and his teammate, Paul Phillips, placed fourth. Both Bryan and Paul were shooting the Berger 338 cal 300gr Hybrid OTM Tactical bullet.
In the qualifying stage, they shot targets from 1454 yards to 2011 yards. From the qualifying stage, 10 out of the 38 teams advanced to the final stage. During the final stage, targets were shot from 2011, 2480 and 3380 yards.
All three Berger shooters had hits at 2011 yards, and two out of three of them scored first-round hits at 2480 yards. Mitch, shooting the prototype 375 solid bullet, hit the first 2 shots at that distance. Note: No competitor, from any team, hit the two-mile (3375 yard) target.

The Applied Ballistics team with their King of 2 Miles trophies.
Bryan attributes the win to three things: Teamwork, Science and Ballistic Performance. The performance of Mitch’s .375 rifle with the prototype 400gr solid bullet was unmatched! This helped Mitch win the competition by a sizable margin.
“There is simply nothing else out there that can come even close,” says Mitch. “This was without doubt a major key to our success. I’m honored to have been a part of a team whose combined support and effort brought home the win.”
Bryan wasn’t able to shoot the prototype bullet, but he was an integral part in developing and testing the 375 cal bullet.
Despite using a smaller caliber, Bryan and Paul proved that the Berger 338 cal 300gr Hybrid OTM Tactical bullet can still compete with larger calibers (.375, .416, .50) and perform exceptionally well.
“I’m really excited and looking forward to Berger’s dominance of the ELR (Extended Long Range) shooting world,” says Bryan.
NOTE: The 375 cal 400 gr prototype bullet is in its early stages of development. It is NOT AVAILABLE to the public at this time, and may never be depending on how long term field testing proceeds.
Mitch, who co-founded Lethal Precision Arms with his father, built this rifle and appropriately named it “The King.” Watch the video below to see this rifle up close and in action!
Watch Paul’s recap video of the event below.