
338 Load Data Now Available to Download for Free

One of the hardest things about writing a reloading manual is keeping it current without constantly moving back the print and release dates. So, how do you keep your manual to date if you continuously release new bullet models? We came up with a solution that we hope everyone will enjoy; downloadable updates for your reloading manual. The first of these updates are now available to download for free from our website at https://bergerbullets.com/reloading-data/ These pages are designed the same way as your current reloading manual and can be printed out and used as additions to the data that the manual already has. Our first new [...]

More National Records broken using Berger Bullets!

Berger Bullets is proud to announce another new section of our website; National Records. A year back we searched to find the best records databases for competitive F-Class, Benchrest, and Long Range shooters, which we found to be the NRA database, the NBRSA 600 and 1000 databases, and the Williamsport Records database. Since then, we have been working hard to contact as many national record holders as possible and ask them "which bullet were you shooting when you broke your record?" We were very pleased with the results that we found, which is that so far more record holders in these selected categories have set their records with Berger [...]

Our New Twist Rate Calculator; A How To Guide

The information in this guide is no longer relevant. Our newest version of our twist rate stability calculator has a how to guide built into it. You can find the new version of our twist rate calculator here. Click the orange "for more information" text to find the new guide.

Berger Bullets website design updated

Welcome To The New Berger Bullets Website! As you can tell, over the last several weeks we have been working diligently on improving our website to make it more visually appealing and easier to use for both consumers and dealers. We have been making changes to www.BergerBullets.com, and over the next few weeks we will be introducing you to several of the upgrades and changes we have made through our blog. The first big change that you are more than likely to notice if you have browsed around our website is our new Dealer Map. It is an innovative application that helps consumers find dealer locations, and [...]

Bullets to be discontinued

As the election season draws to a close, we are already hearing about increased orders on both firearms and components. In preparation for the coming months, we are discontinuing several of our slow moving bullets. This will give us more room for quicker production on faster moving bullets and new releases, ensuring that you receive your bullets as quickly as possible. Also, this will give us the ability to move forward on several new bullet designs that will give you better options for your desired application. All existing orders for these bullets will be filled. Any additional orders must be placed by Nov 16, 2012. [...]

What Are The Differences Between the OTM Tactical, Classic Hunter and Elite Hunter Bullets?

We at Berger are very passionate about providing shooters with the best bullets possible. That means not only making bullets with the highest quality components and tightest tolerances, but also continuously pushing the envelope on bullet design and technology. Sometimes, we get so excited about providing shooters with better bullets that we end up introducing several new designs at once. Each is meant to meet a specific need, but it can cause some confusion. In an effort to reduce that confusion, here is a short summary of our latest bullets and designs: Match OTM Tactical bullets – designed for cartridges and rifles that are used [...]

“Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting” by Bryan Litz

Bryan Litz, Berger Bullets' Chief Ballistician, is proud to announce his latest offering to the long range shooting community. In his second book, Bryan helps shooters understand some of the theories behind practical shooting and discusses techniques to improve hit percentages. He says, "Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting is written in the same layman's terms as Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting. The book focuses on defining the elements of accuracy and precision in a systematic way, and exploring their independent affects on hit percentage. The material is intended to help shooters make more informed decisions about their equipment and training. Ultimately, the [...]

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