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“Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting” by Bryan Litz

Bryan Litz, Berger Bullets' Chief Ballistician, is proud to announce his latest offering to the long range shooting community. In his second book, Bryan helps shooters understand some of the theories behind practical shooting and discusses techniques to improve hit percentages. He says, "Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting is written in the same layman's terms as Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting. The book focuses on defining the elements of accuracy and precision in a systematic way, and exploring their independent affects on hit percentage. The material is intended to help shooters make more informed decisions about their equipment and training. Ultimately, the [...]

New Berger Classic Bullets

For the first time in Berger’s history we’ve purposefully designed Hybrid shaped hunting bullets that comply with the restrictive dimensional standards set by SAAMI. We did this so that hunters can shoot ammo loaded with Berger Hunting bullets in their factory rifles while feeding through a magazine. Some might say, “What’s the big deal?” Well, frankly, SAAMI standard dimensions significantly limit the length of the nose (negatively affecting external ballistics performance) in two ways. First, the length from the end of the neck to the tip of the bullet of SAAMI standard ammo is typically so short that to make an ogive that [...]

Reloading Manual Cartridge List

The following is a complete list of the cartridges found in our reloading manual. This book contains load data for 71 cartridges. We tried to include as many popular cartridges as possible; but due to time and size restraints, we were not able to accommodate every one. These additional loads will be listed on our website once the manual is released (along with data for new bullets, etc). 17 Caliber 17 Ackley Hornet 17 Fireball 17 Mach IV 17 Remington 20 Caliber 20 Tactical 204 Ruger 22 Caliber 22 Hornet 22 K Hornet 221 Fireball 222 Remington 223 Remington 22 PPC USA 222 Remington Magnum [...]

Berger Bullets Reloading Manual is Finished

(Note: This post is from 2012 and is in reference to the 1st edition reloading manual.) It is with great pride and pleasure that I announce the completion of the Berger Bullets Reloading Manual. This 829 page manual has become real and will be available to the public in the next few months. Our team worked very hard to create a thorough manual which gives the shooter everything they come to expect from a reloading manual, along with several extra items we hope the shooters will find interesting and useful. One of these additional features is The Story of Walt Berger. Walt was born at [...]

New Colors for Bullet Boxes

Update: This article was outdated and has been removed. All of our boxes are yellow and the label will have a different color highlighting the product line. Yellow for Target, Orange for Hunting or Varmint, and Grey for Tactical.

Can Cross Training in Other Disciplines Help You Shoot Better?

Let’s face it. In the world of firearms, there is something for everyone. Do you like to compete? Are you a hunter? Are you more of a shotgun shooter or rifle shooter? Do you enjoy running around between stages of a timed course, or does the thought of shooting one-hole groups appeal to you more? Even though many of us shoot several different firearms and disciplines, chances are very good that we all have a favorite. Are we spreading ourselves too thin by shooting different disciplines, or is it actually beneficial? I have found that participating in multiple disciplines can actually improve your performance. Every [...]

338 cal 250 gr Hybrid OTM Tactical Bullet

We are excited to announce the release of the 338 cal 250 grain Hybrid OTM Tactical bullet. This is the latest addition to our line of Tactical bullets. Our Tactical bullets bridge the gap between functionality and the highest possible ballistic performance. Each bullet is designed by Bryan Litz for use in specific cartridges. These bullets are designed to function accurately in the rifle’s magazines, while still maintaining their superior ballistic performance. These bullets are also made with thicker jackets, allowing them to perform reliably under the most abusive conditions found in tactical competition, tactical situations and in combat. While some of the Tactical bullets [...]

Movie Review – Act of Valor

I had the pleasure of watching the movie Act of Valor. This movie focuses on telling the audience what it is like to be a real Navy SEAL. The story that is shown in the movie is not an actual event since SEALs cannot disclose much of what they actually do, but the story is made up of the very same type of threats that face America and those who have sworn to defend it. From start to finish, Act of Valor clearly communicates a genuine glimpse into what it means to be a true American hero. This movie is unique because instead of hiring [...]

NEW – Berger 6mm BR Column Bullet

There have been Bench Rest bullets in the past which were well-known for achieving consistently small groups over a wide tune range in many rifles and loads. One example of this was the Euber bullet. The seemingly 'magical' performance of these bullets has been attributed to special dies, stars aligning, owl feathers, or some other unknown influence. However, there are actually specific mass balance and aerodynamic properties which allow a bullet to mitigate dispersion and shoot precisely over a wide range of imperfect launch dynamics. Understanding the physics behind dispersion mitigation, Bryan went to work creating a specific design for a bullet that had the [...]

Tuning Your Rifle by Switching Bullets – Oldest Secret in Firearms

If you are a discerning rifle shooter, this is information you need to know (if you don’t know it already). It is time to cut through the marketing confusion and talk about the truth when it comes to bullet performance. Every brand of bullets (and components, but for this article I am going to focus on bullets) boasts about being capable of achieving top performance. Nearly every brand can quickly produce a report of a competition that was won or a great hunting shot that was made with their product. So how is it possible for all brands to claim that they produce “TOP” performance [...]

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