Berger Bullets

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So far Berger Bullets has created 190 blog entries.

Thanksgiving Eve Hunt

Stoney Grayson with his 350 lb Wild Boar This Thanksgiving Eve held a surprise for one of our loyal shooters, Stoney Lee Grayson. He was expecting to find a buck on his evening hunt when he was surprised by a 350+ pound wild boar! With a single 6mm 95 grain Berger VLD Hunting bullet behind the ear, his harvest went down within 10 seconds. This hog weighed so much that Grayson and his cousins had to back their truck into a ditch so that they could roll him onto the tailgate! Grayson's cousin alongside the boar. Grayson took his time with [...]

Berger Bullets Box Sticker Quote Contest

Recently, highlighted our box stickers in one of their articles (found here). We were excited to hear how much shooters have been enjoying our little "golden tickets." We like to surprise our shooters by leaving something fun inside of a box (besides great bullets) from time to time. We randomly place quotes into our boxes, and if you get lucky enough, you might even find a coupon for a hat, t-shirt, or even free bullets! To celebrate the fact that our shooters have responded so well to our box sticker "fortune cookies," we wanted to extend to you a chance to submit your favorite [...]

Hunting with Berger Bullets

Brad Fulk, owner, outfitter, and guide of Rio Sonora Outfitters, LLC, has had great success with Berger bullets on his many hunts over the years. From Arizona and Mexico to the deserts of Africa, he swears by Berger 7mm 180 and 30 Caliber 210 Match Grade VLD Hunting bullets. The pictures shown below showcase some of his successful hunts using these bullets. Our featured success story this week is his daughter Brooklyn. You can see our current featured story by clicking here. "Our needs for long range accuracy and performance are met with Bergers, end of story!" "The 180 and 210 Bergers out of the [...]

Sign Up for the 2014 Southwest Nationals!

We are proud to announce that the 5th annual Southwest Nationals will be held February 4-9, 2014 at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, Arizona.  We will be sending programs to shooters on our mailing list soon, in the meantime you can download the Match Program here to sign up. The SWN has become one of the premier Long Range matches in the US.  We had 258 competitors last year from 5 different countries, and expect more this year.  Visit our new SWN page and watch our introduction video for more information. Here are a few of the match highlights: We offer six full days [...]

Congratulations to Michelle Gallagher on Winning the 2013 Leech Cup!

We are proud to congratulate our own Michelle Gallagher on winning the Leech Cup this year at Camp Perry during the second day of the NRA's 2013 Long Range High Power Rifle Championships! The Leech Cup was donated to the United States by the Irish rifle team in 1874, and is the oldest trophy awarded in competitive target shooting in the United States. The match is decided each year by a 20 shot match fired at 1000 yards, followed by a 10 shot shoot-off between the top scorers on each relay. Michelle shot a 200-12x in the match to qualify for the shoot-off, and shot [...]

New Find A Dealer Tools

One of our key goals at Berger Bullets is to connect shooters with dealers who carry our products. In an effort to meet this goal, we have added three new pages to our find a dealer section. First, we created a list of authorized dealers and split it in two different pages; one for our US Based Dealers and one for our International Based Dealers. These two pages are easy to navigate lists of dealers that complement our dealer map by laying out the locations in an easy to read format. We also created a new navigation page to help you quickly get where you want to [...]

Effects of Cartridge Over All Length (COAL) and Cartridge Base To Ogive (CBTO) – Part 2

Cartridge Base To Ogive (CBTO) The first half of this article focused on the importance of COAL in terms of SAAMI standards, magazine lengths, etc.  There is another measure of length for loaded ammunition which is highly important to precision. Figure 2. Chamber throat geometry showing the bullet jump to the rifling or lands. Refer back to Figure 2.  Suppose the bullet was seated out of the case to the point where the base of the bullet's nose (ogive) just contacted the beginning of the riflings (the lands) when the bolt was closed.  This bullet seating configuration is referred to as touching the [...]

Effects of Cartridge Over All Length (COAL) and Cartridge Base To Ogive (CBTO) – Part 1

Many shooters are not aware of the dramatic effects that bullet seating depth can have on the pressure and velocity generated by a rifle cartridge.  COAL is also a variable that can be used to fine tune accuracy.  It's also an important consideration for rifles that need to feed rounds thru a magazine.  In this article, we'll explore the various effects of COAL, and what choices a shooter can make to maximize the effectiveness of their hand loads. Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI) Most loading manuals (including the Berger Manual), present loading data according to SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute) standards.  [...]

The NRA Annual Meeting is Coming to Houston TX on 05/03/2013

Our team here at Berger Bullets is happy to announce that we will be attending the NRA Show in Houston, Texas on the weekend of May 3rd, 2013. This year Walt Berger, our founder, will be attending and answering questions on reloading techniques as well as signing reloading manuals that you bring in. Along with Walt, our Marketing and Shooter Services team will be there to answer questions, offer advice, and give away stickers, patches, posters, and catalogs. Below is a map with a square highlight around where you can find us. Look for the square in the bottom middle, booth #3709 near the cafe [...]

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